Sunday, November 15, 2009

Love in the Digital Age

The idea of this article is that online social networking makes finding, and losing love easier. You can meet someone on Facebook, and by checking out their profile you instantly know if they're single, what they like to do, they're favorite foods, and if they are interested in a relationship or just "hooking up." Basically is is everything you would learn on a first date, without having the date.
It also makes breaking up easier. You can send your lover a Facebook message, e-mail, or text and tell them that things just aren't working out. That way you can avoid all the pain of an actual face to face conversation.

My Opinion

I don't like how people aren't talking to each other in person anymore. It's like having a legitimate conversation with a person is too inconceivable. I think in some circumstances it is ok, like when you are checking to see if they are single, and what they like, blah blah blah, but isn't that what dating is for? Whatever. I don't know. I'm not an expert.

Oh yeah, and those people who break up over a Facebook post or text message are just jerks.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ouch! You Just Bruised My Digital Ego!

Many people use their Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites to try and see how many "friends" they can add. But when they get rejections from people they have never met, they feel just as hurt as if a real friend had rejected them. Recent studies have shown that being rejected online can hurt as much as being rejected in real life.

Studies also show that people you talk to online feel that they can act any way they want, or be as rude as they want, because you are not talking face-to-face. Thus, a friend rejection, or a "defriending" can bruise your digital ego.

My Opinion

I think it is kinda lame that people feel so hurt when someone they don't even know rejects them online. I can understand if you are offended because they are saying rude things, but you just gotta remember that the person you are talking is probably some obese 34 year old who lives with his mom and has most likely never kissed a girl. Sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you!
