American citizens all across the nation are sick of mainstream media ignoring mass protests that are against health care and anything related to outing Obama. They are especially outraged that the mainstream media did not show coverage of the 9/12 tea party march on Washington D.C.
Rush Limbaugh is encouraging Americans to bring the protests straight to the front doors of major news media outlets across the nation.
Limbaugh says, "Dare them to cover what is right under their noses!" Put the media in the spotlight and on the hot seat. Don't make them the protest. Continue to protest Obama. Protest health care. Protest the loss of liberty. Protest the coming tyranny. Just do it on their property or as close to it as you can get being law-abiding and all that. … Just show up where they can't miss it. Show up in numbers where they can't escape it. Make the challenges substantive and adult and challenge their journalistic ethics."
Americans have taken this challenge to heart and have launched a campaign called "Operation: Can You Hear Us Now?" They urge people everywhere to go to their local ABC, NBC, and CBS stations and protest for fair unbiased journalism. There are over fifty protests planned across America and the are doing all of them on October 16th and 17th.
My Opinion
I am so proud of my fellow Americans for planning this tea party. It is amazing how fast word can spread and how quickly they can organize these protests. If there was one in Utah I would definitely be there with some awesome signs. I am so glad they are doing this because the one thing I value most is the truth. And I am sick of all of these liberal left-wing news stations that glorify Obama and all that he does. They do not tell the truth they just tell the people what Obama wants them to hear. I don't know about you, but what I want is fair unbiased journalism.
Link to the article: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=110672